The Hanged Women


Video, ∞, 2021.

* Major Arcana - Cycles 2021 (Constellations)

The work of The Hanged Woman or Hanger shows my body in an inverted position. The figure is located in an indefinite space where black curtains can be seen. With its composition, the space is associated with the stage, as well as the possibility that the curtains obscure the view of the background. The whole display is static, with occasional movement of the figure and the curtains, reduced to a minimum. With this video, which can be viewed as a kind of performative, I sought to open the question of the impotence of man's position in the constellations of possible answers. With the indicative name - The Hanged Woman - and by placing one's own (female!) body in the position of the figure that characterizes the twelfth tarot card - The Hanged Man, questions concerning the context of the female gender come to the fore. But, in addition to that, my main intention was to open the question / issue of impotence due to the general questioning of the world, starting through associations to the symbolic meanings of a specific tarot card and occult ritual.


*Velike Misterije - Ciklusi 2021. (Konstelacije)

Rad Obešenjakinja prikazuje moje telo u izvrnutom položaju. Figura se nalazi u neodređenom prostoru u kojem se vide crne zavese. Prostor svojom kompozicijom asocira na pozornicu, kao i na mogućnost da zavese zaklanjaju pogled na pozadinu. Ceo prikaz je statičan, sa povremenim kretanjem figure i zavesa, svedenim na najmanju moguću meru. Ovim videom, koji se može posmatrati i kao neka vrsta performativa, težila sam otvaranju pitanja nemoći čovekove pozicije u konstelacijama mogućih odgovora. Indikativnim nazivom – Obešenjakinja – i postavljanjem sopstvenog (ženskog!) tela u položaj figure koja karakteriše dvanaestu kartu u tarotu – Obešenjaka (The Hanged Man), u prvi plan dospevaju pitanja koja se tiču konteksta ženskog roda. No, pored toga, moja osnovna namera bila je da otvorim pitanje/problematiku nemoći usled opšte zapitanosti nad svetom, pokrećući niz asocijacija na simbolična značenja konkretne tarot karte i okultni ritual.

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