
Showing posts from 2018

Multimedijalna platforma K.A.T - ART ili PAKT 2018. Love Cut-Ups for Genesis P-Orridge

Love Cut-Ups for Genesis P-Orridge@MSUV   Multimedijalna platforma savremene ženske umetnosti, teorije i aktivizma (K.A.T.), posvećena temi Art ili pakt , predstavlja od 19. novembra u Galeriji SULUV u Novom Sadu izložbu Performans, performativnost i dokument  sa radovima različitih generacija umetnica i umetničkih grupa iz regiona koji artikulišu pitanja političkog, ekonomskog, kulturološkog, javnog i privatnog položaja žena. Program drugog izdanja  K.A.T. platforme  obuhvata i konferenciju Politike tela u savremenoj umetničkoj praksi , te promocije knjiga Milica Miletić Tomić - Pouke i polemike  i Lexicon of Tanjas Ostojic , kao i razgovore sa umetnicama i radionice. Na izložbi Performans, performativnost i dokument , čiji su autori  Andrea Palašti  (koncept) i  Dejan Vasić  (kustos), učestvuju umetnice  Danica Bićanić ,  Ivana Smiljanić ,  Lana Čmajčanin ,  Lala Raščić ,  Olga Dimitrijević ,  Tan...

Prostorni ogledi u Novom magazinu

U novom broju nedeljnika Novi magazin (13.9.2018.), u rubrici Ogledi , objavljen je moj tekst pod nazivom Prostorni ogledi.

Worry Crosses The River - Danica Bićanić & Bernhard Hansbauer @ IMAF

Togheter with my dear friend Bernhard Hansbauer I was participating in this years 20th International multimedia Art Festival - IMAF . We were performing 20 min long experiment that is called Worry Crosses The River. The performance Worry Crosses The River is an audiovisual experiment with a focus on reflection and echo motifs. The name points to Higinus (Gaius Julius Hyginus) fable, in which Worry, as an allegory figure, decides to create a being out of soft clay by her own reflection that she has seen while crossing the river. She made the creature with the help of Jupiter and Telus - Earth. A creature - human – remains in the possession of Worry until its death. The aforementioned fable is the central motif of the Hans Blumenberg's book with the same title, which, among other things, raises questions concerning the care of man's existence. Performance Worry Crosses The River draws attention to the Worry's narcissistic impulse and to the human's position w...

Cycles @ Blok Gallery

Exhibition Cycles 000000005 at Blok Gallery in Belgrade  Thanks to Milan Kralj who made shots, photos and video of the exhibition can be seen at the blog:  GALLERY SHOTS! the UNOFFICIAL CHRONICLE of the GALLERY SCENE in BELGRADE Video link ➤ works / about Cycles

Hold - Dunavski dijalozi 2018. Novi Sad Plus

Nova instalacija Hold , zajedno sa dokumentarnim materijalom prethodnog rada Ciklusi , biće deo pratećeg programa festivala Dunavski dijalozi koji će trajati od 28. avgusta do 8. septembra 2018. Instalacija Hold biće predstavljena 7. septembra na Trgu vladike Nikolaja u Petrovaradinu, zajedno sa radovima novosadskih umetnika Mirjane Blagojev i Nikole Macure. Više informacija možete pronaći na sajtu Festivala . ➤ works / about  Hold ➤ works / about Cycles

Exhibition Mapping The Human Brain @ The Old Biscuit Factory, London UK

My works will be part of the new exhibition called “Mapping The Human Brain” at The Old Biscuit Factory in London UK, organized by art collective Art Number 23, on 22nd June. Art Number 23 is hosting the group exhibition “Mapping The Human Brain,” with local and international artists. The exhibition will be focussed on the human brain, the four lobes, and their function. Artists involved: • “Mapping The Human Brain” Lito Apostolakou Sandra Beccarelli Danica Bicanic Kate Buckley Julian Camilo Sina Ghahremani Nikki Hafter Mia - Jane Harris Lapinus Lapinus After Before (Stephen McGowan) Abi Miller Guy Tarrant Samar F. Zia • Open Studios Keanu Arcadio Nina Baxter Gill Button Andrew Gadd Lauren Goldie Craig Jenkins Tezz Kamoen Cheryl Papasian Matthew Pettit Bernard Rangel Kira Romano Dani Tagen Nam Tran Lottie Turner Rodolfo Villaplana Tom White Corey White Cherry Williams Alex Wood The main event wil...